What are the Principles of Faith in Christianity

What are the Principles of Faith in Christianity

What are the Principles of Faith in Christianity?What are the 12 principles of Christianity?

There have been discussions on the principles of belief in Christianity for centuries and this process has come a long way. Although there is no unity of principles that are fully compatible with each other among the Christian denominations, we can say that a unity has been achieved on the topics we will list below.

The first study on the principles of faith was made in the 4th century, and “Baptism” was stipulated as the first condition, and the necessity of confession was also emphasized. These principles were shaped in general with the councils held in the 4th and 5th centuries.

These substances, which we can define as the creed of Christianity, have gone through a long process as we have said. It was determined in councils that church representatives came together more than once. If a person wants to become a Christian, he has to believe in the following 12 items.

What are the Principles of Faith in Christianity?

1- I to God, the mighty Father;

2- And to His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus,

3- He was born of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit,

4- He was crucified, died and was buried in the time of Pilate,

5- He rose from the dead on the third day,

6- He ascended to the skies,

7- That you sit at the right hand of the Father,

8- He will descend from there to judge the dead and the living;

9- And to the Holy Spirit,

10- To the Holy Church,

11- Sins will be forgiven,

12- I believe in the Resurrection of the Dead, in Eternal Life.

The trinity of Father-Son-Holy Spirit above gave birth to the belief in the Trinity. The adventure of this trinity belief has also been long-term. First, the human Jesus (pbuh) was deified, then the belief in the Holy Spirit was formed and this authority was transferred to the church.

“Why does God impose the sin of Adam and Eve on all people?” Of course, there is no reasonable answer to the question. If this god is not sick and sadistic… He not only creates people to be sinners, but also needs a son to atone for people’s sins and sends the son to be crucified.

How does God suffer? Does God suffer? The father god, who has existed since eternity, becomes a son when he is single, and a third element called the holy spirit is added to it, and the belief in the only god turns to Paganism. In order to ignore this criticism, it is said that all three are one.

God creates man without sin. He teaches people good and evil through prophets. He rewards those who do good deeds with Paradise, and punishes those who do bad deeds with Hell. Logic says that, but what about Christianity?

This belief system, which has no logical explanation when considered, is an opiate that puts people to sleep.

Author: Orhan HARISOGLU

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