Historical Miracles of Quran

Historical Miracles of Quran

The Quran contains many historical accounts that were unknown at the time of its revelation but were later confirmed through historical research and discoveries. Here are some of the most striking historical miracles of the Quran:

  1. The Preservation of Pharaoh’s Body

Quran 10:92 – “So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign.”

The Quran states that Pharaoh’s body would be preserved as a sign for future generations.

At the time, it was believed that Pharaoh had drowned and his body was lost.

In the 19th century, the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II (believed by some to be the Pharaoh of Moses) was discovered in the Red Sea region, preserved despite drowning.

When his mummy was examined, French scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille found evidence that he had died from drowning and that his body had been preserved.

  1. Haman and Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions

Quran 28:38 – “And Pharaoh said, ‘O Haman, build for me a tower that I may reach the heavens.’”

The Quran mentions Haman as a high-ranking official in Pharaoh’s court.

The name Haman is not found in the Bible or any historical records available in the 7th century.

However, in the 18th century, when hieroglyphics were deciphered, the name “Haman” was found in ancient Egyptian inscriptions as a high-ranking construction official, confirming the Quran’s accuracy.

This is remarkable because the ability to read hieroglyphics had been lost for over 1,000 years before the Quran’s revelation.

  1. The Victory of the Romans Over the Persians

Quran 30:2-4 – “The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but they will soon be victorious within a few years.”

The Byzantine Romans were defeated by the Persians in 614 CE when they lost Jerusalem.

At that time, it seemed impossible for the Romans to recover.

However, the Quran prophesied that they would be victorious again within “a few years” (3-9 years).

In 627 CE, just 9 years later, the Byzantines defeated the Persians, fulfilling the prophecy exactly.

The phrase “lowest land” is also significant. Scientists later discovered that the battle occurred near the Dead Sea, which is the lowest land point on Earth (430 meters below sea level).

  1. The City of Iram (Ubar) and the Lost Civilization

Quran 89:6-8 – “Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with ‘Ad – [With] Iram, who had lofty pillars?”

The Quran describes the ancient city of Iram (or Ubar), built by the people of ‘Ad, with “lofty pillars”.

For centuries, historians thought this city was just a legend, as there was no historical record of it.

In 1992, archaeologists using satellite imagery discovered the ruins of Iram in the Rub’ al Khali desert of Oman.

The discovery confirmed the existence of a once-thriving civilization that was destroyed, just as the Quran described.

  1. The Use of Iron and Its Celestial Origin

Quran 57:25 – “And We sent down iron, wherein is strong material and benefits for mankind.”

The Quran says iron was “sent down” (anzalna) instead of “created.”

Modern science confirms that iron did not originate on Earth but came from meteors and supernova explosions.

This discovery was made centuries after the Quran’s revelation, proving the Quran’s precise use of words.

  1. The Preservation of the Quran

Quran 15:9 – “Indeed, We have sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will preserve it.”

Despite being revealed over 1400 years ago, the Quran remains unchanged in its original Arabic.

Ancient manuscripts such as the Birmingham Quran Manuscript (carbon-dated to within 20 years of the Prophet Muhammad’s life) confirm that the text has remained identical to today’s Quran.

No other religious scripture has such an unbroken chain of preservation.


These historical miracles demonstrate that the Quran contains knowledge that was impossible to verify at the time of its revelation. The discoveries of modern archaeology, history, and science continue to confirm its accuracy.

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