Creation of The Universe According to Religions

Creation of The Universe According to Religions

There are many claims and conversations about the formation of the universe. According to the Torah-Old Testament, the date when the world was created and the date when the human footed in the world are given precisely. While explaining the formation of the universe in the Qur’an, the following point is pointed out: ‘The Quran does not report which of the heavens and earth was created first and which was later.’ Here are the dates reported according to the miraculous formation of the universe described by the Torah and the Qur’an;

Torah – According to the Old Testament, the date when the world was created and the date when the human footed the world:

The Hebrew calendar, based on the information given in the Old Testament, gives very precise figures for these dates. Accordingly, the second half of the 1975 Gregorian year meets the beginning of the 5736th year of the creation of the world. Man, whose creation was a few days after the world, is in this case the age of the Jewish calendar as the year.

What does contemporary science tell us about this? It is difficult to give exact figures about the formation of the universe. But scientists say that the universe formed about 4.5 billion years ago. In this case, it is clear that there is a big year difference between the results of the information received from the Old Testament and reality today.

According to the Qur’an, the formation of the universe and the emergence of the realms:

A short synthesis of the events that constitute the basic formation process of the universe is reported with the following verses of the Qur’an:

‘Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?’ (Sura 21, verse 30)

Creation of The Universe According to Religions


After the Big Bang, we know that our Earth, the Sun, the stars are not formed immediately. The universe was in the form of a gas cloud before any stars were formed. The main substance of this gas cloud was Hydrogen. The most existing substance after hydrogen was Helium. Later jams and concentrations in this gas cloud led to the formation of stars and planets. Our present Earth, our Sun, the stars we can see at night were always a subset of this gas cloud. Our discovery today is the result of many consecutive inventions, observations, and laboratory studies in the history of science.


It is said that the scientific miracles of the Qur’an are not only a miracle, but one day they understand the reality of what the Qur’an says. Yes, with all these miracles, it has been proven that the Qur’an was sent by God and that no book can compete with the Qur’an.

At the same time, the verses that make up the miracle provide very important information, highlighting the subtleties and unusualness of God’s creation. No Qur’anic verse says, ‘One day he will have an American president and a son named Bush.’ This is not the only point in the Qur’an that miraculously says information that is currently unknown. At the same time, this promise gives people important information.

“Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, “Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion.” They said, “We have come willingly.” (41- Fussilet 11)

If we take this verse (41- Fussilet 11) as an example, it is a miracle that the Qur’an explained that the Universe was already gaseous 1400 years ago. However, in an environment where all matter forms an ever-expanding universe with an explosion, the universe is not condemned to gas. Creation of stars, planets, humans and magnolias from this gas is the miracle of God.

After Newton, ideas emerged that the Sun was formed by the compression of a gas cloud. For example, Laplace, in his book titled ‘Explaining the World Systems’, argued that the Sun was formed as a result of the compression of gas clouds by the force of gravity and that the Earth was detached from the Sun. Later, the English physicist Clerk Maxwell opposed the approach that the Earth had broken from the Sun. In 1943, Weizsocker developed the Theories of Ter-Haar, Chandiosekhor and Kuiper. Observations made with telescopes in Wilson Mountain and Mooring were also included in the discussion (there is no explanation in the Qur’an whether the Earth is separated from the Sun). There is no claim that it is in the form of gas first. God created the sun warming us, the blue oceans and the flavors offered to man.

Therefore let whoso will, keep it in remembrance (80-Surah Abese 12)

Source: Quran Research Group, Maurice Bucaille (Translated from French by Orhan Harisoğlu)

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